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The ongoing FIFA Women's World Cup currently ongoing in Australia and New Zealand has left many fans in disarray, celebration and in a state of optimism. As other countries are making preparation to advance through to the finals, that of the super Falcons has been different.

After their defeat by England which denied each of the player the opportunity of pocketing $90,000 (67.6 million), the Super Falcons has redirected their attention to recovering of their backlog allowances and bonuses from the Nigeria Football Federation which dates to 2021.

According to the Captain of the Super Falcons, Onome Ebi, pointed out that the issue of the allowances was really affecting and as important to the players welfare. Onome also denied any form of threat by the players to boycott their first game with Canada, this she stressed that the players were focused to giving in their very best.

FIFPRO, the world Players Union have confirmed their involvement in the issue.